Member case study: How a start-up cracked the $1 million turnover mark in 18 months

Kieren and Jackson from Melbourne-based Lexity Plumbing and Electrical shared their incredible story at our recent Lifestyle Tradie member event. This case study unpacks how they went from start-up to turning over $1.2 million in 18 months.

With plenty of credentials on the tools, both Kieren and Jackson knew getting the business part right would be critical to making any traction. In what turned out to be a defining moment, Jackson attended one of our free Next Level Tradie live events.

It proved to be a light-bulb moment, sparking the start of what has become a profitable business, where the sky’s the limit. Taking a sponge-like approach to learning, Kieren and Jackson were taught how to set up the right systems.

Now these systems are in place, the boys project Lexity Pty Ltd will double its turnover again in the foreseeable future. While they’re quick to credit Lifestyle Tradie for fast-tracking their booming bottom line, there are other factors at play.

Give-it-a-go attitude

From the moment you meet them, Kieren and Jackson’s keen-bean attitudes shine through. It’s easy to see why customers love them. There’s not an inkling of Jaded Tradesperson syndrome in sight! This enthusiastic approach is genuine.

For Kieren and Jackson, their service-with-a-smile-style is coupled with an ethos of hard work and integrity. They’ve built trust with customers, and as we all know as trade business owners, trust creates customer retention and loyalty.

Why reinvent the wheel

What’s interesting about Kieren and Jackson’ story is they identified their own shortcomings early – they knew nothing about running a business. Instead of proceeding with bravado, they deliberately decided to invest in education.

Enter Andy and Ange, and a Lifestyle Tradie membership.

In Kieren and Jackson’s minds, why would they waste time trying to reinvent the wheel of operating a successful trade business, when they could lean on the expertise of others to teach them everything they need to know?

In this masterstroke move, the boys were able to parachute into the trade business world, without wrangling the usual systems set-up situation. Instead, Kieren and Jackson could confidently focus on building customer relationships.

Sky’s the limit

By recognising they could benefit from people who have been where they wanted to go, Kieren and Jackson have not had to do the dirty work themselves. It’s saved them time and money. Now, the sky’s the limit.

This story is a great reminder that making a profit isn’t rocket science. In the world of trade business, when you leave your ego at the door and you’re prepared to apply tried-and-tested systems, you’re almost there.

Show some enthusiasm, like Kieren and Jackson, and success is a sure thing.

     What’s next?

  1. Join our Kick-Ass Tradies Facebook Group, for access to trade business specific conversations, tips and resources, plus a like-minded community of tradies.
  2. Book a 15-minute Game Plan Call with Andy, owner of Dr. DRiP plumbing and co-founder of Lifestyle Tradie, to clarify your priorities and get clear action steps.