In this episode, Andy & Angela take you through their steps to finding out if your accountant is failing your trade business, or if it’s YOU that’s stopping your success.
Hey guys. Andy here, before we jump into this week’s episode. I wanna ask you a question. How are you going with your trade business right now? As you know, I talk to a lot of trade business owners, and I continue to hear a few things. They’re struggling to find and retain good stuff. They’re wondering how to set up systems and structures, and they’re working way too many hours, and they’re actually feeling completely burned out. Angela and I have been fixing these exact challenges since 2010 when we started Lifestyle Tradie, and the one thing we know after all these years is if you keep doing the same thing, you’re going to get the same results. Listen, guys, 2023 is gonna be very different from previous years, so why don’t you future proof your business today? Book in a free strategy session with me so that we can have a chat and work out the best steps for you and your business moving forward. Head to to book in time now. Look forward to chatting soon.
Hey, hey, and welcome to the latest episode of The Tradie Show – Together in Trade Business. And as always, I’m joined by my husband and business partner, Andy.
Yeah, baby. Look at you doing the intro. What a change. Normally, I’m the one that likes to take the bull by the horns.
Well, you know, I have to take back the power sometimes and keep you on your toes, you know? Keep your guessing.
Yeah, yeah, I get it. I’ll give you this one, but I’m gonna pick out the topic for today’s episode from the Tradie Toolbox.
All right then, rip it open.
All right. This is a good one. A topic I get asked about a great deal. The question reads, my accountants are dud, but I’m not sure about changing. And how do you make the call to decide when to change?
Ooh, I like this one. Yes. , but you know what my first thought when you read that was, is the accountant a dud or are you the dud?
Oh, that’s great. Tell us how you really feel Ange.
Well, that’s true though, right?
Well, no, it is true because a lot of the time people blame their accountants, but realistically, is it the accountant or is it actually you?
Yeah, that’s it. We’re quick to blame others when things don’t go our way, and as the saying goes, there’s always two sides to a story.
There is.
So for us to really judge this situation, I think we actually need to hear both sides.
Yeah, you’re not wrong. So let’s look at the question from both sides then. Let’s start with the trade person or the business owner’s perspective.
Okay. I agree. So firstly, I wanna start by saying that as a business owner, it is so important to have a great accountant in your corner.
Not good, but great. So good classes, standard and great are exceptional. And you know what? You’re paying them for financial advice, which for starters probably isn’t a small amount of money either, and their advice can literally make or break your business. So you’re going to want to ensure they’re professional and the basic things like their registered tax agent and they’re a qualified chartered accountant.
Absolutely. It can’t just be any Joe Blow who thinks they know a bit about finance and business. Do not, and I repeat, do not hire some guy you just met down at the local pub that happens to say that he handles finances and he’s an accountant.
Yeah. . And not to make this confusing, but this actually includes a great bookkeeper.
Because often they’re not the same person.
That’s right.
And I actually like the idea that they are two separate entities and that the bookkeepers are watching the accountant, the accountants watching the bookkeeper. So that being said, Andy, I wanna ask you a question first. As a business owner and having owned your own trade business, what in your eyes makes an accountant great?
Well, that’s a great question because I think a lot of accountants. Don’t give you what you really want because you don’t ask what you really want, but we’ll talk about that a little bit later. But you really want someone who knows the ins and outs out of your business and you know what? They actually really give a shit, you know, not someone that just ticks the boxes and it’s done. There’s a few must-dos that my accountants need to do for us. I don’t ask so much, really, do I? ? Oh, listen, I’m, I’m pretty set in what I want and anyone that knows me, I’m pretty, I know what I want and I want it, and that’s what I want and I’m happy to play it now.
Hey, you know that now.
Well, I know that now, but at the start I used to let it ride. But business is too important and businesses will thrive or will go bust on your decisions you make financially. And having a really good accountant in your corner is definitely something you have to do.
So it’s true because we do see it all the time where trade business owners are really good on the tools. Yeah. But they actually have no idea how to read their financial reports. And sometimes they don’t even know what financial reports they need to even be checking. So for clarity, Andy, let’s start with some basics. Like can you talk through what you expect from a great bookkeeper and then what you expect from a great accountant? Cuz I do actually think there’s different kinds of tasks they do.
Yeah, it is different, and I, and I love the fact, you know, Ange and I, over the years we’ve had an accountant and then we’ve had a separate bookkeeper. And then we actually at one stage had an accountant that did our bookkeeping. And as Ange mentioned earlier, we definitely prefer the accountant does the accounting part of it and the finances and property investments and, and everything you do with your business when you’re making the big bucks. But the bookkeeper looks after your books because it’s so important to keep them separate so they can keep each other accountable. That is definitely a good one. But obviously an accountant, a bookkeeper, they’re two completely different roles. But we expect our bookkeeper to do the BAS, PA, YG, you know, do the wages assist with um, weekly reports, accounts receivables, chasing outstanding debts, and really provide us with monthly reports and dashboard. And also a bit of forward forecasting as well. You know, I even expect my bookkeeper to recommend ways that we can reduce cost and have a look at our credit cards and pick up things that maybe shouldn’t be going through the business, and really helping us clean up zero and making sure we’re a hundred percent up to date and everything is really, really clean and simple to understand.
Yeah. Perfect. I like that you mentioned that it’s important to keep the financial package if that’s zero or whatever product you use, because if you don’t do that, then you can’t review real time reporting and hence you can’t make decisions based on fact. So that being said, if that’s your list for a bookkeeper, can you give me a list of what you expect from a great accountant?
I just wanna just rewind a little bit when you said to a bookkeeper to keep things clean. There’s so many tradies I talk to that when I say to them, do you know your numbers? They say yes, but really all they know is that they have zero and they can access it on their phone. Yes. But their accounts aren’t up to date. The invoice, like nothing’s done. So you are looking at figures that aren’t real. Yes. So you really need a bookkeeper. For us, we always knew by the second week of the next month, that past month was completely finalized.
Reconciliation was up to date.
Clean. Everything was, all your invoices are with all our reports. And that’s the only way to run a business. So your question, what makes a great accountant? Yes. Well, I expect the accountant to help me analyze reports. You know, I’m a tradie too. I do feel like I get a better understanding of numbers now, but it’s their jobs to see where we seem to be spending money on things. Or our gps is a bit too high, or we’ve got too many overheads for the return we’re bringing in, you know? And I also expect them to look after tax. Now when you’re making a big profit. You need a good tax lawyer that can really look after you. And I’ve got an incredible accountant, but I have an incredible tax lawyer as well. And um, all I can say is we do a pretty good job. And, um, the whole idea is, To make sure the accountant can go through and make sure we get the benefits that every company should get, and make sure we don’t miss anything and look at ways that we can benchmark ourselves against other businesses as well. But also find ways to tax minimization because no one wants to pay huge tax bills at the end of the year as well. And a really good accountant, I would say saves me hundreds and hundreds of thousands. And most people pay their accountant between two and four grand, and that’s what they think, oh, I don’t wanna pay any more than that. Well, when you pay peanuts guys, you get monkeys. It’s the same with tradies. You pay these cheap Billy bum cracks, you get an average job. So I think people need to take getting an accountant a lot more seriously.
Yeah, that’s true. And an extra thing to add to that, I would say, is it is important with your accountant when it comes to wealth creation that they know how to set up business structures, for instance, to assist when you’re owning property and the like.
Yeah, I mean, a lot of people know that a listing sets up different trusts and making sure, you know, are you buying stuff in your super? What are you doing? I mean, there’s a lot of things that accountants should be doing, but you need an accountant that is actually really invested in you and your partner and your business, and they’re treating it like their own. Because when they’re treating it like their own, they will go the extra mile and, and that’s the big thing. As we were saying earlier, I don’t expect much, do we? You know, like, you know, we do. We expect a lot, but I’m happy to pay the money to get the right people.
Yeah, fair enough. It doesn’t also mean that you have to pay more to actually get more. Right?
No, it doesn’t. But if you want more, sometimes you have to pay a little more. But not always. I mean, I know there’s businesses out there paying six grand for their accounting right now. And when I say to them, what does your accountant do? They go, I, well, I don’t know. Yeah. When do you see ’em? Oh, once or twice a year. And what does he actually do? Uh, I don’t know. But at the end of the financial year, does he go through everything? Can help you save tax? Uh, no, not really. I’m like, well, why are you paying six grand? Yeah, because for six grand you should have a good service. That’s a big chunk of money. But for accountants, if they have a hundred tradies paying six grand and the tradies don’t want much help.
What? That’s perfect business for them. They don’t have to do anything. I think a few boxes, man. 600 grand. Thank you. So we’re the business owners and you’ve gotta drive your accountant as well.
Yeah, I agree. So your accountant basically needs to completely understand our financials of the business so that they can help actually educate us too. I mean, this is, finance is not our background.
That’s right.
And it’s really important that, as we said, that they’re there to assist us in watching trends and, and having these conversations more frequently throughout a year and not at the end of the year, but we’ll get to that in a little while.
Well, most tradies, seriously, when it comes to money, it comes to accounting. They’re plans. They go, I don’t really know these numbers. So when you say, I don’t really know these numbers, what do you do? You stick your freaking head in the sand. And that is definitely what you don’t need to do because you are basically making decisions in your business with a blindfold on. You don’t wanna do that, I’m telling you.
No, you can’t make decisions on gut feel, right?
Well, you can, but I definitely don’t advise it. You know, I know the gut feeling sometimes does work well in our business, but when it comes to knowing your numbers, know! You just gotta seriously know your numbers. I was only speaking, um, a few weeks ago, we had a new Lifestyle Tradie member that just joined us, which was great. And I was going through and having a bit of chat with him about how his business is going and building a plan for him. And the interesting thing was, I’ve just bought a new toy and he just bought a new ram yacht. They’re expensive. Yeah, they can be quite expensive. And his was like top of the line, expensive. And I was congratulating him, mate, that’s great. You’ve got such a great business, you must be doing really well. He’s like, yes, we’ve increased our turnover by 25% this year. There’s so much work, we’re absolutely killing it. And then I said to him, so what is your net percentage of profit? He goes, oh, it’s interesting you say that. It’s sitting at around about 3%. And I almost fell off my chair and I’m like, 3%?? That is seriously low, dude. And he’s like, why? What should it be? And I said, well, most of our members are doing 15 plus when it comes to a net profit percentage. Profit margins. Profit margins. Yeah. And I, and I was just like, dude, I don’t know if you could even have afforded this shoot. Did you go to your accountant and actually have a chat with him about it? He goes, no. I said, did you have a chat with your wife about it? He said, ah, no. I just thought the business was doing so well and I’m like, oh, seriously dude. You know? So this is all part if you really do need to know your numbers.
To me that is just such a common theme. When tradies just feel really busy inside their trade business. Yeah. Uh, you know, working day to day that they actually just go, oh, well the money must be there because I’m so busy.
Yeah, exactly. And that’s why I always bang on about knowing your numbers. And anyone that listens to Andy and has been for a long time, you hear me say, know your numbers! But having a great accountant is really important as well. And that has helped you with that. Like in my business, I do not make big financial decisions at all unless I talk to my accountant. We’re looking at forward forecasting and we understand exactly where we are.
Yeah. Deal with the facts. Right?
Exactly. You’ve gotta deal with the facts, deal with what the numbers say, not how you feel cuz the numbers are the reality. Yes. How you are feeling is always up some days down, some days, around some days. Because I really do see a great accountant as an extension of your business, like an actual staff member that gets paid good coin to keep us in the know about our financials. You know, there isn’t someone that you’ve just hired through a friend of a friend, or you met down at the pub and paid the lowest price. You want a kick ass tradie. Kick ass accountant.
Accountant. I agree. You need to see your accountant as an investment, not an expense.
But to ensure that they are great. In case of the question that we’ve been asked in reference, uh, is, are they a dud? Then I actually wanna circle back around and ask, have you the trade business owner told them what you want. Have you even told them?
Well, that’s it, Ange. So what do you mean when you say what you want?
Well, most accountants will simply do what they always do with every client, like a cookie cutter service.
That’s right. You know, that’s Isaac.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful when I say that, but if you don’t tell them what you want help with and how frequently then how do they know how to be classed great?
Well, I think everyone in life, if you’re gonna get paid a certain amount of money and you don’t have to do much for it. Yeah. , you’re not actually putting your hand up and saying, I need more work because I’m quiet. You’re actually just going, Ooh, they don’t want much attention. So I’m doing really well with this client. And if I was a listener right now, I’m probably saying, I’ve never taught this staff. I don’t understand finance and I don’t even know where to start.
Right? So where do you start? Most trade business owners think it’s okay to simply show up at the end of a financial year, out of obligation, actually to the ATO because they signed a few pieces of paper from their accountant of which might I add, makes it, you are completely liable now for every single digit they have put it into that form. So you’ve taken responsibility. They think finance is not their responsibility as a trade business owner. Like what’s with this?
I know. Keep going Ange I can hear a ramp coming on. Come on, keep going. I love this.
They don’t really listen to the accountant telling them about the financial data because either A, they don’t understand, or B, they actually just don’t care. Mm-hmm. And they’re lucky to help provide receipts, when they’re even asked for it or any information throughout a financial year. And there’s no wonder the accountant shows up with little interest in helping them when they showed no interest in helping themselves with understanding the finance of their business. It’s the heartbeat. It’s important.
Oh yeah. A hundred percent right into so many people. And if you are out there right now driving in your car, keep your left hand on the steering wheel. And if you are one of these people that don’t look at your finances in your head. The sand right now, give yourself an uppercut, bing, , but you’re not wrong as the business owner, you need to show more interest in this. You need to ask questions and definitely take ownership. This is your business and you should know.
So I like to think of this like a date, because this, ooh.
Yes. Ooh. Like it, what a date, but I’ve seen my accountant. I don’t wanna date my accountant. . He’s a hairy little man.
So , so hear me out. The analogy of this just might work for you, okay? Okay. So you turn up to this date, don’t tell the account Na Amy doesn’t listen to this episode. So you turn up to this date, right? And if you are interested in this person, you ask them questions. Right?
Yep. You certainly do.
Well , if they are also interested in you, they like to lean in. Definitely, and they happily respond to the questions and the conversation flows and you start to learn more about each other.
Well this is just like your meetings with your accountant.
If you show up to an appointment and you show interest in the subject, they’re gonna show more interest in you and your business and therefore help you more. Does it make sense?
Yeah, definitely. And my accountant, or our accountant is like one of my best mates now, and we have banter and we pick on each other and we carry on, but we, there’s a love there. There really is. There’s a man love, not in a sexual way, but there’s a man, as I said, he’s a hairy accountant, but, um, he, he’s such a genuine person. Awesome guy, and we catch up and we have dinners and he’s a legend, and I know he goes above and beyond for us. He certainly does. He goes above and beyond.
Because we’ve shown interest in him as a human. In addition, I should say, in understanding the finances of our business, we’ve actually taken an interest in a subject. Been accounting. Yeah. That he loves. That is not our forte, but we’re allowing him to teach us. Yeah. Which increases our knowledge at the same time.
Plus, he loves Cadbury chocolates and I went to the supermarket and spent $500 on Cadbury chocolate. Do you know how much 500? That’s a trolley. Yes. Full of Cadbury chocolates.
I put it in a box and delivered it to his home. Yes. . You know, so, uh, that he does love us. He felt like, Fat bastard for a while, but uh, there you go. There you go.
So I’m just gonna circle back and say, if you are not telling the truth to your accountant, meaning that you’ve actually verbally said to them, you know what, I actually know very little about accounting and finance in general, and I really appreciate your help, then you actually have to start there. And they will actually help.
Well, that’s it. Because even with our accountant, he knows I’m a typical tradie and he sometimes says some lingo, and I go, mate, you’re talking to Andy. Can you dumb it down a little bit, dude? He goes, oh yeah, sorry. I thought I was talking to an intelligent guy. You know, . I’m like, ah, yeah, we’re playing that game, right? Anyway, it feels like we’ve circuited back a little, but you need to ask more questions and tell them what you need to understand. And we’re back for another Tradie news segment.
Woo-hoo. Perfect. And I will say I actually really like this segment. I think keeping up with the tradie current affairs is so important for all of us in business and it gives us a different perspective on the way we do things.
Yep. That is a hundred percent right and this week’s article will definitely do that. It was actually sent in by the listener, so if any of you have an article or a topic for us to chat about, please definitely feel free to email us at
So Andy, yes. As you know, there’s a huge tradies shortage across Australia.
Ooh. Yeah.
And we’re all finding it hard to find staff. Mm-hmm. . So this article talks about Queensland specifically, but it discusses how the mining industry has also been affected with around 2000 jobs within the sector. Yeah. Been available. It also went on to say how 85% of these jobs were paying six figure salaries plus included huge sign-on bonuses, like 10 grand.
Yeah. It’s pretty huge and it can be pretty damaging for us as tradies a little bit as well. Yeah, and it’s pretty much playing into the whole supply and demand theory. You know, the demand is still there, but there’s not much supply of staff, so the wages of salaries are just getting pushed up and up and up and it’s actually happening everywhere. Not just in the mining sector.
Yeah, exactly. So not only are you competing with offers from businesses. To keep your current staff and hire new staff. Mm-hmm. , we’re actually competing now with sectors like mining where your staff might actually be attracted because of the extra money.
That’s right. And we’ve had, um, some Lifestyle Tradie members that have told us they’ve lost staff to the mines, especially over there in WA to make the big bucks. Yeah. But I will say the mines, everything that people believe you know of, they do get really good money, but they bloody have to work hard and in some tough conditions as well.
Absolutely. But what I think it comes down to here is not paying them necessarily more money to keep them, because sometimes that just isn’t realistic. What I do think is important is starting to compete on culture and how you actually treat your staff.
Yep, that’s it. You’re hitting the nail on the head. You need to make an environment. That work is so amazing that they never want to leave no matter what they’re offered. Mm-hmm. . Um, and in and building this culture could be from anything, from team dinners to RTOs off, to having birthdays off, Monday morning breakfast, Friday afternoon, knockoff drinks. I mean, there’s so many things you can do. To build this culture, but what we’re just trying to say here, if someone’s gonna offer ridiculous money that you can’t even get close to. Well, you know, sometimes people go where the money is, but most of the time people are comfortable in their environment if they love what they do.
Yes. And money is not always the motivating factor for these people.
Not, not.
So don’t think you’re gonna lose them just because of it. And you know what, even more importantly, is the way you actually treat your team. Yeah. Literally the way you speak to them every day. So do they come to work feeling valued and appreciated through kind words from both yourself and the rest of the team? Or do you never praise them and only talk down to them and therefore they dread Monday morning?
Yes. A combo of things will lead to you building a great culture in your business. This is something we teach our Lifestyle Tradie members, and many of them are absolutely nailing at the moment, and because of that, they’ve actually had team members leave to go for more money, but they come crawling back saying it just wasn’t what they thought and they were treated poorly. So that’s something that everyone needs to realize. When people move on, I always try to never get too upset with it. It was a business decision on their part. It was their personal decision and I always wish them well. And I always keep in touch with people when they leave cuz you just never know when they wanna come running back.
Yeah. I guess the lesson is don’t burn bridges. Right?
That’s exactly right.
Andy, I wanna ask you this. For those staff who are more motivated by money and come to you saying, give me a pay rise, or I’ll go elsewhere, what would you suggest they do?
Yeah, there’ll always be some people that are chasing the higher pay, and you have to ask yourself if they’re really worth it. And there’s a way that they approach you from a boss. Like if they’re dictating to you, I’ve never been a fan of that, and I’ll really squash that straight away. But it is hard to replace staff these days. So if they perform well, they follow the processes and they’re a natural leader in the team. They constantly upsell. They don’t have callbacks and, and then maybe they are worthy of a pay increase. But for those that do. You may just need to say goodbye.
Yeah. So for sure if they can’t appreciate the culture, there’s a good chance that they don’t fit in anyway, so I agree. See you later.
Yeah. In a lot of good companies that run a good culture, you get a feeling if someone’s a fit. Yes. And, um, the team tells you who’s a fit or not. And I know some of our members, the actual team, if they don’t like someone, they push ’em out the door. True. So they ever get them to lift up and be like them, or they actually give them a gentle nudge and go, Hey mate, this may not be for you. Now, that’s a hard one. But when you’ve got a really strong team that are doing incredible things, you’re probably okay with that as a boss. But you don’t want people kicking people out the door when you need staff. That’s for sure. But sometimes you just can’t win. When people are offered the massive bucks to go to the mines or a massive offer, you can only hope that your relationship still stays strong and they realize that they’ve got it really good. Yes, they may leave for the big bucks, but as I said, I’ve had quite a few come crawling back. That said, I think it’s time to get back into the episode.
So you know how I started this conversation saying there’s what I call a good accountant and a great accountant? Yeah. Well, a good accountant will cover what I class as the basics, what I call kind of the past. Yes, they’re talking about profit and loss statements and balance sheets, and they do look at trends over the course of time. But this is the thing. It’s all history. Yeah. And although it’s really powerful stuff and yes, it is their responsibility to help you understand how to read these financial reports. Mm-hmm. And how to understand trends. A great accountant will take this further and they discuss everything to do with the past. Yeah. But they also talk about the present. Yeah. Like breakeven and looking at dashboards and the importance of gross profit margins.
And one of the biggest ones for me was looking to the future, forward forecasting for a serious business owner is absolutely huge.
Right. And that’s not gonna happen in one meeting, right?
At the end of a financial year, definitely not.
Yeah. You need to build a good rapport. Like it doesn’t really happen when you’re only meeting two or three times a year at a minimum, but asking the right questions and showing the right interest and finding out about your financial health in your business is an absolute must.
And if you haven’t spoken to your current accountant mm-hmm. about this subject first, like what you need their help with? Then I wanna ask you this question again. How do you know if they’re a dud? .
That’s right. And you know, I’m not here to pick on accountants and you know, there’s definitely duds out there. You know, there definitely is. But is your accountant a dud? Do you even know? Well, you know, you definitely want to have a gun accountant by your side. They are worth their waiting gold.
Absolutely. They’re worth their waiting gold. Yeah. I couldn’t agree with you more. Mm-hmm. . If say you have approached your current account about what you want and they literally just haven’t delivered that for whatever reason, or perhaps you are paying way too much money because you’ve actually done a little bit of shopping around, then that’s exactly what I want you to do is shop around because they aren’t the only accountant in your town.
No, and it’s interesting, as we said, you know, most people get their accountants cuz their mom and dad had it or their mate at the pub had it, or the mate’s dad had this accountant said they were good and, but realistically just like finding a really good employee. But I know it’s a bit harder at the moment, but normally you’d, you’d interview two or three guys, all girls or people, well, office staff, this definitely happens. Yeah. You, you, you interview quite a few people. Yes. Before you actually pick the one you actually want.
I reckon less than 1% of the people interview different accountants to find which is the right accountant for them. And when you hear it like that, that’s freaking crazy. Yeah. You need to find the right accountant that’s gonna fit you personally and you like you, you guys like each other and you get on and you know they’re gonna look after you into the future. And the big thing to remember these days is they don’t have to be in your geographical area because we’ve got Zoom in a like, and you can have an accountant really anywhere in the world.
Yeah, absolutely.
But I would recommend sticking with someone here in Australia.
Yeah, I completely agree with you. Finding someone here in Australia is definitely better for us as Aussies. But what is important right now is that you are crystal clear about what it is you are asking from your current accountant first, before you make a decision that they’re a dud and you need to move on. Yeah. So that being said, I’ve actually put together a guide for you, for you guys, for our listeners. It’s called The Accountant Advantage. Yes. And it basically outlines how to approach your current accountant. So if you want a free copy of that, then head to the link in the show notes. Or visit so you can get your hands on a copy.
Yeah, and the reason we built this is we had a few of our members say to us, well, what actually is a good accountant? Can you tell me what a good accountant is? And I was like, oh, well a good accountant is this and this and this and this. And like, oh, can you send me an email? And then we realized a great, A great accountant. A great accountant. So then we realize. We built this product called The Accountant Advantage, and it’s been helping our Lifestyle Tradie members for many years. And if you wanna get your hands on it, as Ange said,
Yeah, it’s a great way to do a little audit on your current situation with your current accountant and decide if you need to make a few changes.
You heard it here, ladies and gentlemen, and Angie’s basically saying, pull your finger around .
Oh, . Maybe I am, but I’m certainly doing it in a much more polite way.
Well, I don’t know. I don’t know. Are you really? Are you really? You don’t need to be polite. We just need to be real and tell it how it is. Know your numbers! Ballad, and if you want help by pulling your finger out and getting on top of your accounting headaches, I’d love to have a chat, head to to book in a free strategy session with myself so we can sort out your numbers ASAP.
Perfect. So now I’ve potentially just insulted all of our listeners.
Yeah, no you haven’t.
I think it’s time that we need to go.
We’ve certainly gotta go, catch you next week. Hell yeah.
Do you know the right questions to ask when acquiring a great accountant? Understanding your financial health is critical to your business’ success and wellbeing. In this guide, find the accountant audit and accountant questions to make the right decisions for your business.
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