Do you spend HOURS and HOURS on admin in your trade business? Michael Steckler, CEO of job management system Tradify joins Andy and Angela on this week’s episode to tell you there’s an easier way.
Hello, hello and another big hello and welcome back to another episode of The Tradie Show, together in Trade Business. Hell yeah!
Wow. Hey everyone. Love the enthusiasm, Andy.
Well, yes. There’s a lot of enthusiasm there cuz I tell you what, I’ve had a bloody good week and now we’re topping it off with a podcast topic that we both love to harp on. Why wouldn’t I be enthusiastic?
Yes, very true. So, to let the listeners in on what you are talking about, how about we start with a drum roll, please. It’s systems. Woo. More specifically technology systems, meaning a job management system, which we wholeheartedly believe is non-negotiable in every trade business. In fact, I’d like to start a petition to get rid of all paper diaries in every trade business. How about you, Andy?
Uh, definitely. I think the old way of doing the diaries is too old school, and it’s a lot of double handling. I know a few of you out there are still doing it, but that is why technology has come forward to make your life easier. And you know what, I’ve got a bit of a story for our listeners that might blow your mind as well.
All right.
When we first started Dr. Drip, we didn’t have any systems and there weren’t any job management programs around. So we used to use these yellow job cards that the boss before me, that I used to work to, used to use. And we’d have a pile of these cards and we’d write everything down and we’d have ’em in a big pile. And then we’d have a big table, and I’d have Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, post-it notes on the glass window. We had about 18 guys at this stage, so it was crazy. And then we’d have, you know, six or seven trucks build out on Monday and we’d just run, run a, a line down for Monday, for Tuesday, Wednesday.
One, drip two, drip three, drip four.
That’s right. Yeah. With all the trucks. And, and that’s how we ran our business. Like I dead set felt like I was, I was at a casino and I was a dealer at a casino, cause trying to move the cards around and a customer would ring me and go, where are you? You guys were meant to be here yesterday. Go, oh, sorry, Mr. Jones. We got hell barking. I’d look at it as a week away, but we’ll be there tomorrow. And I’d just shuffle the cards around and I’ve got no idea how I used to run a business back then. It was absolutely crazy. It was chaos. But you know what? Times have changed and I’m so happy that they have.
Yeah, I remember those job cards. What an absolute nightmare. Yeah. I remember visiting you at our warehouse in our Tarin, and there were a couple of our Utes downstairs, and I just randomly opened their doors and I found these yellow job cards in, um, the sun baizer and down the side of the car, and walked upstairs and gave it to the girls and said, Hey, I’ve just found a couple of these yellow job cards. And they were like, jobs that hadn’t been invoiced for like five grand, eight grand. Like we had so much money coming in and we went, I don’t, I just dunno how we operated a business.
It was crazy. It was totally outta control. I mean, we made it sort of work, but I look back on those days and just realize how much money we were leaking.
Losing. Yeah, losing.
We were, you know, totally. This is crazy. Crazy. But yeah. You know what? Eventually technology came on board and we jumped on it, quick smart because we just couldn’t handle running a business like that anymore. And it was so stressful as well. You know, we had money outstanding, you know, $188,000. We had invoicing that wasn’t being done, accounts that weren’t being paid. You name it, we had it. But as soon as we put a job management system into our business, our business changed forever. And that is why on today’s episode, we are gonna be talking about technology and job management systems.
Yes. And we’ve got someone on board to help us chat about exactly that. Today’s guest is an expert in tech for tradies, and we’re so glad to have him here to join us to chat all about elevating your trade business using a job management system. So a huge welcome to Michael Steckler, CEO of Tradify and host of Tradify podcast behind the tools. Welcome today, Michael.
Great to be here. Thanks for having me.
Mate, it’s so good to have you here. Um, we love Tradify and we know that you are all over the place, but for those that don’t know what Tradify is, can you give them a bit of an example about what you do?
Yeah. Tradify is an all in one app that allows you to principally run your trade business from the moment you, uh, send a quote for work. Right through to managing your workforce with time sheets, scheduling your workforce right through to finally sending an invoice and getting paid. So we’re trying to do all those things in one place, uh, and essentially allow tradies to get their lives back, save hours and hours a week on admin.
Which we all completely understand, having worked with, you know, uh, job management systems for years. Yeah. We know that you and I are all, we are really, you know, preaching to what we class as the converted for us when we also once had our own plumbing company and, and ran a job management system. To me it’s the non-negotiable to ensure that you are way more productive and that everyone has some transparency and that the dots are joined so that we have connectivity with regards to your team. So I just love what you are doing, um, and I love that you have a place inside this industry and, and really, um, a mover and shaker. That being said, Michael, I’m very conscious too that you, uh, have clients all over the world or members all over the world. Yeah. You’ve got offices both in New Zealand and the UK. Do you actually see a common theme in the challenges that trade business owners or contractors experience no matter where their location is?
Yeah. One of the great things about working with trades is actually, um, apart from local regulation being different, there might be slightly different tools. You know, it might be different. I think about things, the words of things are different. You know, you don’t, you don’t say plasterboard, down this end of the world. There’s, there’s small things like that. But apart from that, uh, actually the work they do, the challenges they face their customers, like their residential versus commercial, it’s all the same stuff. Um, you know, even sometimes the billing rates, if you take out currency, aren’t that dissimilar to how they work with suppliers. So for us to build a product that’s kind of globally relevant, um, is easier, uh, because they all have the, they all talk about the same things, not cash flow’s an issue. How do they quote for work? All these types of things are very, very similar. So if you’re a, if you’re an electrician in the UK and you are an electrician in Australia, They actually have a lot of similarities and I think that’s why you’ve seen this growth in what I think of as, you know, people on YouTube, you know, electricians that have got quite high profile talking to other people in other countries cuz actually they have the same things that they’re, they’re talking to.
Yeah. And in America obviously they say contractors, um, yeah. In England they’re a bit more like us, aren’t they? Are they tradies or are they service people or what would they be?
Oh, I’d say tradespeople.
Yeah or trades. You’d say someone’s in the trades.
Yeah. Perfect. Perfect. Yeah, there’s no doubt, business is business and all the things we’ve learned over the years is, you know, obviously tailoring things to tradies really make sense, but business is business around the whole world too, right? So yeah, there’s been a massive shift in the trade industry, you know, probably going back 10 years, but I probably tend to find that in the last five years, you know, tradies have really gone, oh my God, we have to have this. And I have to say as well, companies like yourselves, Tradify, you’ve really upped the ante. And now you’ve got an incredible product. And a lot of people have gone away from those paper diaries. And at first it’s a bit like, oh my God, where’s this and where’s that? You know, the old guys especially like bloody technology. I don’t know how this works. But once they get it, their head around it, they absolutely love it. So, yeah. You know, what’s your thoughts on all of that? Because things have changed a lot in five years, hasn’t it?
Yeah, I think there’s, um, I think it’s been more commonplace for people to talk about having a job management system or try and get a job management system on board. I think the systems with technology, you know, if you went back to Tradify, if I, if you went back to trade, if I, even two years ago, certainly three years ago, and if you went back 10 years, it would be a very, very different product. Um, and that’s the thing about software. It evolves very, very quickly, partly driven by the devices themselves. You know, think about the iPhone and where that’s been versus where it was 10 years ago. I think the other thing that’s happened is people’s comfort level around using software to do these tasks has probably gone up as more of them are using it. Um, but that all said, there are still a number of companies that still use pen and paper or Excel spreadsheets or whatever, whatever that looks like. So we, we don’t underestimate, and I think our competitors would all say the same thing. We don’t underestimate the challenge of what you’ve just described, which is the first time you use software. It’s probably a bit intimidating and it probably for the first couple of weeks might feel easier to go back to doing what you’re doing. Um, and it kind of reminds me of the transition from people using kind of paper file faxes and paper diaries and then using kind of outlook and, you know, what would’ve been Lotus Notes in the days to to schedule meetings, right. What they used to do is they used to write down their appointments on the file effects and keep them in the electronic diary cuz they were so paranoid about the electronic thing going down that they might forget where they’re supposed to be. So I think we’re going through a similar transition with job management software, but I think that’ll keep accelerating over, over time.
But I’m hearing now as well, I’m getting the odd people that are reaching out to us in Lifestyle Tradie and sort of wondering where to go. And they’re saying, oh, I’ve, I’ve been doing it like this for 30 years. But the young guys that are coming on board, they think I’m bloody crazy. They’re like, if you don’t get a job management system, I’m going to a company that has one. Yeah. Because it’s easier for the tradies. So it’s now the young generation coming through. We’re looking at the older blokes going, may dead set, sort yourself out.
I think what you said, Michael, before is so relevant that because of the change of even, um, a tablet in your hand, you know, whether that’s an iPhone or Android, whatever, the comfort zone of us as trade business owners getting used to that particular piece of device as a, as technology, it’s helped their confidence level build to go, oh, actually maybe there is a solution for my trade business so that I can see my boys out in the field and I can be more productive. Gone are the days that you can come home and listen to your answering phone and your messages to, you know, take those calls. Well, the same applies with regards to following a job, and especially when you have multiple people touching one job, it’s fabulous to be able to actually have all that information in one place. So I do believe that confidence levels have changed.
Yeah. We, we, we think about it, one of the challenges we posit our sort of products and engineering team is build the product as if it was Netflix. And what I mean by that is, you know, to your point, everyone is used to using apps, um, at some level in their personal life. So we want it to be as easy to use our app as it is, as if it was a consumer app. Um, and that’s really the sort of design, the challenge is to make things as simple and easy as possible and not cause we think our trades customers aren’t smart enough. It’s nothing to do with that. It’s, they definitely are. It’s about having as few steps as possible to get things done right. It needs to feel easy. Um, otherwise you’ll just go back to doing what you used to do. Um, so yeah, I totally agree.
That’s so very true. Yeah. I do love just the change in the industry in general with regards to job management systems. So clearly you do have a lot of competitors out there, which I actually think is great for you because it teaches trade business owners that this is the way of the world. Um, so that being said, I’d be interested for you to share with our listeners your opinion about what makes Tradify different?
Yeah, it’s a really great question. Um, we are focused on a few things. Number one, it’s always been purpose-built for trades. So, um, you know, there are other platforms that do invoicing that can send quotes, maybe do the cash flow payment side. We’ve always intentionally had in mind what does, and we’ve done this sort of deep research and the person, the founder of the company, was an electrical engineer into what does your day look like? What are the main tasks you need to complete? And how quickly can we get those done? So very much that purpose built for trades is really important. The second thing, which I think is the biggest thing that we tend to hear in our reviews and from customers is ease of use. So to all the things we’ve been talking about, we want it to be a really easy to use experience no matter what the device you’re on. So whether you’re using an iPhone, Android phone, Samsung, whatever, iPad, doing it on a desktop, it needs to be really, really, really easy. So that’s been a, that’s been a really big focus for us to make that process easy. And in many ways, the longer term ambition is to almost make the back office, when I say back office, the office where you go back to a desktop redundant, um, and actually make it about trying to do everything on the go, on the job. So when you get home, there isn’t actually, isn’t any more paperwork to do the jobs done. But I would say the number one thing you would tend to hear about Tradify is sort of, the completeness of the solution and how easy it’s to use the product.
No, that’s huge and I definitely have heard that. And for those of them out there listening, we’re huge advocates of, know your numbers. But, um, obviously there’s some amazing features with Tradify and, and a lot of companies do this, but obviously integrating the cloud accounting with Xero, QuickBooks, MYOB, Sage, This is really important for tradies and, and as you said, trying to do as much as you possibly can at the job, but actually being able to look at knowing your numbers. Most businesses fail not because they’re not a good tradie. They fail because they’re actually not watching their numbers and they’re not watching the profitability. They’re not watching how the business is going. And by the time they pull their head out of the sand, they’ve got this, you know, chunk of money that they don’t have and they’ve made a loss. Yeah. And the tax man goes, give it to me. What’s going on? And, and that’s another great benefit with what you guys do.
Yeah. Just making the level of friction between doing the work and then getting paid by the end customer. Um, that’s been a big focus of ours cuz you’re right, I mean the, the, the ability to win work, it’s not a problem for many successful trades companies. They get plenty of work, but they’ve got too much work. Uh, but getting paid for that work in a timely fashion is often, often the issue. And then reconciling that with your accountant, which is sometimes, sometimes in some instances a member of the family. Sometimes it’s someone they outsource to, sometimes it’s their accountant. So having those two systems pretty seamless again, just means there’s more real time data to say actually things are going well. Or actually have your accountant say, hang on a minute. You know, you’re saying you’re really busy. There’s all this work, but I’m looking at the numbers and it’s not tiling up. So it is really important.
So if you’re a tradie out there listening to this now, and you don’t have a job management system and you don’t have accounting that’s connected to it, and you’ve got your head in the sand and you get to the end of the year, you worked your absolute butt off, and then you look at your net profit and there’s none or you’ve lost money, then it is absolutely critical that you join someone like Tradify and get this sorted ASAP because it will change your world.
Yeah, sure will. So Michael, you alluded to the fact that technology changes really, really quickly, and I can imagine with the number of customers that you do have from a global scale, tradies being so connected to their own small business, are exceptionally opinionated and no doubt give you lots of feedback around what they think Tradify should do. So how do you make that decision on what improvements or add-ons you decide to do next?
Yeah, it’s a really good question. And we, they are opinionated and we, we welcome that. It’s really helped us. Um, and I do mean that, I mean, I think there’s, there’s, oh, I agree. Your face looks a little bit cynical there, I would say.
No, no, not at all.
Well, there’s some people though, you have to say, there’s some people I hear it, they go, I’m gonna ring my job management system up. I want it to be like this. And I’m like, yeah, but does the other 10,000 customers want it like that? Well, I don’t care, but I want it like this. I’m like, well, they’re a business to look after everyone. Just not one person. If you want it exactly how you want it, build your own.
Yeah. Well, there’s a, so here’s what we do. We have several levers. So we do feedback or surveys that grab customers within the product, and customers tell us, you know, I love the product, but you should change this. Some instances they’ll say, this is terrible. This thing needs to be fixed. And so we collate all of that feedback kinda on a global basis, but also at a local market basis cause there are differences. Australian customers might need something slightly different from UK customers. We have a community on Facebook, uh, who are, you know, I’d say our, some of our most engaged customers who give us both positive and negative feedback and suggestions. Then we have all of our kind of data from customer support, um, onboarding calls, even our sales calls. We collect all of that. So we have all those four sources of data. We clay all of that and pretty much have a league table that says globally, these are the top 10 things that customers want us to fix or change, um, at a local market level, this is what that looks like. And then we just, you know, we do it based on, you know, the volume of, uh, demand that we have for certain things. And that’s what makes us decide what we’re gonna do next. Um, and sometimes we fix things and then because we fixed something and we’ve changed or improved it, we get new feedback about that thing for the next version that they would like to see. So that customer feedback is really, really important. We do, action it. And of course I think, I think occasionally there is frustration where there might be a very small pocket, it might be that individual user that has a very precise demand that’s very applicable to their business, which we can’t meet because Yeah, you’re then sort of trying to build a different product almost. Yes. Uh, but in most instances, that kind of global feedback that we get from all of our customers is how we define the roadmap. You know, the product roadmap, what we’re gonna build for the next sort of three months, six months, uh, and we change it sometimes to meet big bubbles or there’s this big shift in the industry that might happen. Um, and then we’ll, we’ll address that based on that.
Yeah. Face the key challenges or problems that they’re having at the time. So one thing that we hear quite often when uh, we have new members say that join Lifestyle Tradie, one of the first questions we ask them is, do you have a job management system? And therefore, which one? And when we actually start chatting to them about if you were to scale yourself between zero and 10, about how well you use the product? Zero, bang! You know, I literally just use it as a dispatch board, and that’s kind of it versus 10, I know everything about it and I’m talking to them all the time. We’re actually still surprised at the number of people or businesses who place themselves below five. So therefore we say to them, that must change because the only way that you can get the best out of this product, out of Tradify, is to understand the product well, because they’re making changes all the time. So in your opinion, If you had a customer that was with Tradify and they were literally just at that startup phase, but perhaps they do actually have staff, how do they get the best out of your service, out of your product to ensure that they are applying and keeping up with you?
I would say the best thing to do is, in those instances, um, I mean the first thing I would just comment on is you don’t need to use a hundred percent of the software to get a huge amount of value. So if you’ve signed up, cuz you just aren’t very good at quoting on time or setting invoices, and that’s all you do in the product. You’re still getting a ton of value, right? You need to look at it through the lens of how many hours am I saving a week? And that’s the reason you’ve signed up. What we recommend, I mean, um, to the early example of, you know, a tradesperson wants something and they give us a ring. Either that, that’s why I was just, we built a business where actually talking to people on the phone is an important part of our model, partly for all the things we’ve described, right? People have a challenge moving from one way of doing things to this new way of doing things. So, you know, I would say book a session or one of the team will spend time going through different features and you know, just think about what it is you want to get from the software. Um, and then we can, we can train people. So that’s one recommendation. We have a ton of online content to support people, uh, on that journey. We also have this community. So actually in many instances we have kind of what I think of as our power users helping each other. Um, so some people get a problem before we even have a chance to answer when other customers come in and say, oh no, I found a way to do that. You should do it this way. Um, but I think if you are one of those people at five and you are listening, pick the phone up or hit, send us an email and we’ll, we’ll book someone in to talk to you and give you some training and, and support. And although it’s, again, an hour, half an hour off the tools, it’s probably a worthwhile investment in terms of the time that you get back.
Exactly. And I think, um, doing, getting this kind of stuff set up, and if I, and I’ve done this before in a packed house of a couple hundred people and, and I’ve said, okay, who has a job management system and, you know, 80% of the room put their hands up and who doesn’t? And 20% of the hand, puts their hand up. Okay, the 80% of the room, if I took your job management system away from you now what would you think? You just hear this. Ooh, like, cause it such a game changer.
A roar of disaster.
And, and I said, what would you say to the other 20%? And everyone’s like, get one. You know, so it’s um, really cool. But what I love about Tradify, you guys obviously are helping with the job management system, but your company goes above that and I feel you offer free educational resources and downloads and you’re sort of there to, to help guide them through not just the job management, but within life and business. Why do you think this is so important?
Well, there’s a couple of reasons we do that. One, we wanna be, we wanna support the industry cuz they’re healthy. Look, selfishly, if I put it really from a business perspective, the healthier the industry gets and the better people get at running trades businesses, the better it is for us. They’re more engaged customers, they’ll use more of the product. Um, and we just see a gap, it’s hard. I think being a small business owner is a really tough thing. It’s not easy. Whichever category you’re in, whether you’re starting a restaurant, coffee shop, whatever it is, right through to running a trades business, it’s quite hard. And we see lots of people that are fantastic at the work they do. They then decide to go out on their own. Um, and there haven’t been great resources. There aren’t great central places to find some of this stuff, whether it’s how do I charge? How do I price, price work? All those types of things. How do I market my business online? Um, so we just thought there’s actually a gap in the market. Let’s just try and help our current customers as well as the industry, as, as a whole, uh, to have this central repository of information that just helps you run a trade business. And, you know, that’s, that’s kind of why we did it.
And you hit the nail on the head for all of us, you know, and us here at Lifestyle Tradie, what we’re trying to do is just elevate the whole industry. And if you elevate everyone from the bottom up, it’s better for everyone. You know, you don’t have those Billy bum cracks running around, charging well under price and, um,
Undercutting everybody else.
And giving us a bad name and all that kind of stuff. Everyone starts playing on a pretty even playing field and, and away you go.
Yeah, I totally agree.
Yeah, we a hundred percent love the fact that Tradify is completely, um, on the same page. Education is critically important for every trade business owner, so that’s amazing. So Michael, considering technology does like change so quickly, what’s really next for Tradify? Can you let us in on a little cheek?
Yeah, I, I’ll give you, I’ll give you a couple of ideas. I sort of talked to some of this, I mean, in the, in the short, short term. Um, actually, I’ll give you a real example. Many of our customers would say our scheduler hasn’t been where it needed to be. Uh, depending on the size of your company. And so we’ve done quite a big piece of work in the last, uh, few weeks and a couple of months on really, really upgrading our scheduler so that it’s better on mobile, better on desktop. Um, so that’s a big win for current customers. Longer term, I think we do believe that more work will be done from a mobile perspective. Yeah. So the work is already done, but you’re already out and about onsite somewhere. But in many instances, people sort of draft a quote, get back to the office and then look at the quote, make sure it looks great, and then send the quote. We’d like to eradicate those kinds of steps and just get ’em to feel comfortable quoting, invoicing, receiving payment in a much, much shorter cycle, but also utilize the advantages of the mobile phone itself in terms of photography and all the things that the, the benefits of that brings. So the mobile and kind of, um, how we think about our user in space and ease of use that probably for us in the future is still the biggest thing. There’s still a long way to go to make this even, even easier. And then I think there are things in the supply chain that probably are inefficient, uh, when I think about trades and think about how you buy products, all those types of things. Um, there’s, there’s things around that that we’re thinking about longer term, you know, I think could be a, could be a big win for, for businesses.
Yeah, that’s exactly right. And, and it definitely would. And I, and I think that, There’s so many job management systems out there. I dunno if I ever mentioned this to you. I, I built one, um, was building one, probably spent about 150 grand or so, 120,000. I woke up one night and said, you idiot, what are you doing? You got no idea with IT and I pretty much shut everything down. But, um, it was just too hard and like all the gurus are out there, they’ve already done it, you know, and I see there’s a new one on the block every single day. And let’s be honest, it doesn’t mean that one of these new ones won’t come through and start to dominate the market. Yeah. But a lot of them are so far behind the eight ball. And I sort of look at, say there’s 500 out there in the market. I’ll probably look at your top 10. But within that top 10, you can have some older, what I’d say, older, clunky ones. They give you really good detail and you can get some great reporting, but they’re old and clunky and it’s a bit harder for the tradie to use and, but I think this day and age, and what you are saying right there is having an app that can do it all that is super simple. It’s not overly complicated. I think 90% of business owners out there want exactly that. So you’re definitely on the right path, and I know you know that.
Great. No, it’s good to, it’s good to hear. Yeah, it’s hard in software cuz you do, you can lean towards the, let’s build loads of features and have a really, really long feature list. But then you end up in the problem that you’ve described earlier, which is you have five outta 10 users ago, I’m overwhelmed, I’m not gonna use half this stuff. Actually, all I wanna be able to do is these five things and I wanna be able to do these five things really, really, really, really well. And that’s kind of the lens we put over, this is what’s the core part of a day that that, you know, trade company needs to fulfill and do we fulfill all those things? Um, and how quickly and easy are those things fulfilled versus the kind of, I guess, the offline, if you want, equivalent of doing it with, um, other sources like pen and paper and mobile phones, et cetera, texting, et cetera.
That’s awesome mate. We also like to play a bit of a game here on The Tradie Show. Um, I’m gonna shout out three rapid fire questions. You get around up to 30 seconds to answer them. Are you ready to go, buddy?
Yes, I am. Yes, yes, far away.
Okay. What is your favorite business related or motivational book and why?
This is a funny one. I’m gonna pick a book. Uh, I love football, uh, soccer, uh, as a book caught by an called David Peace, and it’s called, um, Red or Dead. And it’s, uh, I recommend, it’s quite a big book, but it’s about Bill Shankly for anyone that was a livable fan. I’m not a livable fan, but it’s a short chart. Are you a Liverpool fan? You should definitely read it. It charts what Bill Shankley did, uh, with livable from sort of 1959, right through 20. I think he opted out in 1974 or something. Uh, but it’s an incredible story and I just like how he strategized every night and how he built that team and all the things that went with that. So it’s a great book.
Let’s get that inch. We’re on, we’re on.
Andy’s into that one. Loves, loves his soccer.
So, um, number two, what is the best piece of advice, business related or not that you’ve ever received?
Be patient. I had a boss many years ago who said to just calm down and be patient. Good things will come, but you need to have an element of patience. And I, I do actually, um, Like we’re, we’re a tech company, we wanna move fast. But actually sometimes stepping back and just sort of letting the dust settle somewhat is quite a useful, calming, calming skill. So yeah, I still, I still adhere to that one as much as I can.
Yeah, and I agree with that, and I agree with that in a trade business as well. When you’re so busy and you’re bogged down and you’re running a hundred miles an hour and you never have a chance to chill out, you never get a chance to sit back and relax and actually think, And Ange, um, obviously knows, but I try and two to three times a year I try and get away and I spend a couple of days alone where I turn my phone off and I just think about business and what our next steps are. And it takes 24 hours to get my head to switch off. But then,
To disconnect him from his mobile phone, let’s be honest.
And then all of a sudden, you know, I might be walking along the beaches. We’ve got a team in the Philippines too, so sometimes it’s over there, but I’ll be walking along the beaches just thinking, and all these things come flooding in. But if you don’t give yourself the opportunity. You never get to that.
No, if you’re always working, I mean, it’s, there was a, I read a study this week about people’s best ideas come in the shower. And the reason for it is, because you’re not thinking about anything else apart from, you know, the water’s hitting you and then suddenly this idea pops in and people wonder why, but it’s because you’re not on the phone, you’re not on the job. So, yeah. Yeah, definitely, it’s important.
Love it. Love it. So if you could have one superpower, what would it be?
Oh, I’d fly. Yeah. I would love to be able to fly. Amazing. It would be amazing.
Uh, I’m a bit of a Flying Top Gun or something as well. I could see myself as a fighter pilot.
No, I just like the idea of being like an eagle or something and just fly.
I mean just being able to fly. You said superpower, so I actually mean, you know, like Superman, just like, I don’t mean being able to fly a plane. No, no. I mean no. Get around flying. Yes.
Very nice, very nice.
A to B real fast. That’s what I reckon. That totally hit it on its head. Thank you so much. Thanks for those rapid fire questions. They were awesome too. And thank you so much for sharing your time today, Michael, and all things Tradify, I know our listeners will have learnt a great deal from uh, sharing this podcast with you, so thanks again.
No, thanks for having me. It’s been great talking to you and yeah, good stuff.
Mate, you’re an absolute superstar. Always good to have a laugh and a bit of banter with you as well. And, um, Go Liverpool and we will. And who do you go for actually?
No, I don’t go for Liverpool. I’m a QPR fan. You aren’t even in the Q Premiership. Yeah.
Yes. Okay. Okay. Yes, but no one in the premiership?
Uh, listen, if I was gonna go for a Premiership team, it would be arsenal.
Ooh, arsenal. Very cool. Very cool. Well, mate, it’s been great having you on here today. As always, we learnt a hell of a lot. Uh, thank you buddy, and no doubt we’ll chat very soon.
Yeah, speak soon. See you later.
See you later.
I love hearing and, and chatting about all the technology things that you can do in your business today because when you implement it the right way, you save yourself so much time and money.
Absolutely. There’s so many great features and benefits for your job management system and even when you first start, just use it in a really simplistic manner just so that it makes your life easier. It will literally save you hours and hours in admin. And I highly recommend you look at setting up a job management system in your business if you haven’t already got one. And if you do already have one, doing a bit of research to make sure that you are using it to a hundred percent of its capacity and getting the absolute most out of it is definitely a good tip.
100% baby. That is exactly right, Ange. Don’t fall into the same trap I did and use yellow job cards or still use the old school diaries. You definitely gotta change.
Oh my God, you’ve gotta stop talking about those bloody yellow job cards. Right? How much brief have they caused us?
Oh, I gotta sweat just now. When I talk about it, I’m like, oh my God. The best thing we ever did was change to a job management system. Well, that is it from us, so we’ll catch up with you all next week.
See you next week, crew. Chat then.
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