There’s a new generation of people transforming the way we work. Who are they? They’re Generation Z, or Gen Z for short! These zoomers are the largest generation ever. They comprise around 20% of Australia’s population and almost 30% of the world’s population. The older generations are united in struggling to understand Gen Z in the workplace.
The purpose of today’s episode of The Tradie Show is to PREPARE you to lead this curious demographic cohort, who are born between 1997 and 2012. In this conversation, Andy and Angela talk about what leaders need to know about the Gen Z mindset, along with practical ways you can connect with your Gen Z team members.
If you start any sentence with, “Back in my day…,” this conversation is for you.
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You are listening to The Tradie Show. This is the podcast for trade business and contracting bosses like you who wanna lead with confidence, make more profit, and create a better lifestyle.
We’re your hosts, Andy and Angela Smith, husband and wife team, and co-founders of Lifestyle Tradie. Are you ready to have some fun?
Hell yeah! Hey guys, Andy here. Before we jump into this week’s episode, I wanna ask you a question. How are you going with your trade business right now? As you know, I talk to a lot of trade business owners and I continue to hear a few things. They’re struggling to find and retain good staff. They’re wondering how to set up systems and structures, and they’re working way too many hours, and they’re actually feeling completely burned out. Angela and I have been fixing these exact challenges since 2010 when we started Lifestyle Tradie, and the one thing we know after all these years is if you keep doing the same thing, you’re going to get the same results. Listen guys, why don’t you future proof your business today? Book in a free strategy session with me so that we can have a chat and work out the best steps for you and your business moving forward. Head to to book in time now. Look forward to chatting soon.
Another week, another cracking episode of The Tradie Show. Today we’re even gonna ruffle a few feathers. We’re gonna give your leadership style a bit of a shake. And we are gonna see if you are ready to lead Gen Z.
Yeah, that’s right, Andy. There’s a new generation of people transforming the way we work. Who are they? They’re Generation Z or Gen Z for short. They’re also known as Zoomers.
Zoomers. Look out! You know, every generation is different, which we’ll explain in a minute. But one thing currently, uniting boomers, gen Xs, that’s us Ange and millennials, they’re all struggling to understand Gen Z, especially in the workplace. So, the purpose of today’s show is to prepare you to lead this curious demographic cohort who are born between 1997 and 2012.
Yeah, so that means in 2023, which is now Zoomers are aged from around like 11 to 26. Just a few other fast facts, Andy, Gen Z is the largest generation ever.
They comprise around 20% of Australia’s population and almost 30% of the world’s population. Andy, there’s life after millennials.
Who would have thought? Hey, but here’s what we’re covering in the episode. So you can get the gist of why it’s important for you to know how to connect with Gen Z. You know, who is gonna make up more and more of your trade business team from your apprentices to admin staff. But firstly, I wanna put the generations into context by what distinguishes each of them. Then we’ll talk about what leaders need to know about the Gen Z mindset.
Yes. Followed by practical ways that you can connect with your Gen Z team members. And finally, for a bit of fun, let’s get up to speed with some Gen Z slang.
Oh, I can’t seem to keep up with slang these days. It’s an absolute classic, isn’t it?
Yeah, totally. Okay. So how is every generation different? So let’s go through it. Baby boomers were born from 1946 to 1964, and they grew up in a post World War II economic boom. They tend to believe hard work is about the number of hours you’ve clocked and staying for the absolute long haul. They’re willing to make personal sacrifices for work and will generally prefer safety and security.
You know, we all know someone who’s been at a company for their entire careers. It’s crazy.
Yeah, exactly. So then comes Gen X’s. These guys were born from 1965 to 1980, and they grew up against a background of the global financial crisis or the GFC. More people came from divorced families than ever before with two parent working families having an impact on their mindset. Their masters have been critical of themselves and are typically self-sufficient and results orientated.
Wow. The description sounds a little bit brutal and guess what? That’s our era.
Yeah, I know, right? Uh, so who is Gen Y all the millennials? These guys were born between 1981 and 1996. They’re digital natives who’ve basically been stereotyped as being really demanding in the workplace and not prepared to put in the hard yards at the bottom of the rung at work. We know this is not entirely true, of course. So, Andy, what’s the story with Gen Z?
Well, that does bring us to Gen Z and they’re the first generation never to know the world without the internet. Which is absolutely mind blowing for a Gen X or someone like us, Ange. They’ve never even heard of a fax machine or the Walkman or, or donkey com.
How good are they, right?
Yeah, exactly. Exactly. So it’s predicted zoomers will work in 18 jobs across six careers and live in 15 homes in their lifetime. Wow. Like really different to the previous generations. You know, growing up these days, they’re being influenced by things like the climate crisis. They’re definitely more socially aware. You know, social media for them is absolutely huge. And I still don’t really get the whole Snapchat but that is massive too, I have to say. And they’re a bit nostalgic. Apparently, like even the flip phone is having a moment again. Remember the old Nokia flip phone and yeah, I don’t know if you’ve been listening to the music these days, but all the old tunes are back, baby.
The good old flip phone. I definitely prefer my iPhone though.
So it is really important to remember that not everyone falls specifically into these generational traits, but you know what? The point is, it’s another way. I guess to understand your team and what they value and you as a leader, you’ve actually got to adapt to your leadership style appropriately.
Exactly. The big thing is here, the leaders of old will be more likely to tell a team member to have a copper concrete or toughen up mate if they’re struggling, but you just can’t do that anymore.
I know some of you are already thinking to yourself right now, back in my day, and there are certainly some things I did back in my day that I know just wouldn’t fly now. Times have changed. Expectations change, and guess what? You have to change too. And if you don’t, you’ll be left behind and no one will want to come and, and work for you. Gen Z does not like being told what to do and won’t simply obey the boss like previous generations. It’s a crazy, crazy time.
Ouch. So that makes me ask then, well, what can leaders do to connect with and influence Gen Z? So there are three things I actually want new listeners to think about. Number one is Gen Z is more prone to suffer from anxiety disorders. There’s actually extensive research. Suggesting that Gen Z is growing up in an age of increased stress, anxiety and depression.
Has it got anything to do with social media? Maybe?
Yeah. I’m sure it doesn’t help. You know, they can’t leave it at the door when they come to work, even though that’s what we ask them to do. If you wanna retain good people in your trade business, you actually can’t bury your head in the sand about it. You need to be practical about it. So what do you think are their motivations and expectations?
Well, back in the day, we would never consider doing what I’m about to tell you. We really wouldn’t. But this is a great example of how a trade business owner is supporting his team. And, and I know, uh, a bricklayer very close to us here in Sydney that’s paying for his apprentice to get treatment for his mental health. You know, he’s provided flexibility in the workplace and while he was a little bit reluctant at first, He knows this is the only way forward to retain great people. So let me ask you all the listeners out there, right here, right now, if a team member approached you about their mental health, how would you respond? Would you roll your eyes or would you offer practical support? You know, thankfully, Zoomers typically take better care of their mental health in a way the baby boomers and the Gen X never learn to do. But this generation is much more in tune with what they need. Ask them and listen.
They can’t leave their mental health at the door when they come to work.
Yeah. Okay. So number two, Gen Z is known to set boundaries. So in a US study, it was found 72% of Gen Z are protective of their work-life boundaries. They’re actually rejecting what we sometimes call this hustle culture. So Andy, I’ll be interested to see how you react to this one. TikTok trends such as the soft life, which place emphasis on a slower, healthier, and reframed version of success have actually really taken off for the Zoomers.
Yeah, I have to say it’s, um, it’s not something I can really relate with, but like I’ve said before, we have to try and understand where these Zoomers are coming from. You know, the thing that worries me is being a tradie is definitely not the soft life. You know, we all know it’s physical, it’s demanding. It’s about getting your hands dirty and getting out and getting tough and into the work. And as trade business owners, we can’t change the nature of the work, but we can change the approach of providing a flexible workplace to meet Gen Z’s expectations around their boundaries. It’s a four day working week.
So we’re hearing more and more about trade business owners introducing this four day work week to attract and retain their tradies. But this really does appeal to a Gen Z, so the impact of the pandemic has literally, Turbocharged this four day work week movement, and I guess the biggest question is, how does that actually work? Four day work week trials have been labeled as a resounding success, but these have mostly been taking place in knowledge industries. There’s currently no specific data on trade industry. However, that said, there are a couple of our Lifestyle Tradie members who have recently implemented the four day work week, and they believe it’s been absolutely hands down amazing for their team and for the business. So for the team, it’s my understanding they’re working on a rotating roster across the week, and the trade business owners have really tried hard to communicate this way of working in all of their communication, including, or like their email signatures, for example. And in speaking with them, their customers have actually embraced the model too, and it’s all going great guns. So, Andy, are you a fan?
Well, listen, I, I, the results speak for themselves. If someone had come to me and said, I’m gonna turn my guys to work four days a week, obviously they’ll still do the same amount of hours, but four days a week, I’d be about, oh geez, it sounds good, but let’s see how it plays out. But some of the guys I’m talking to, it’s worked out very well for them and it’s certainly helped them attract some top quality tradies. So, You know what? We’ve gotta start to give different things a go. You know, we all know the saying, if nothing changes, nothing changes. And I can definitely see that many tradies would prefer a four day week, and I do think we’ll see more of this happening in the future.
Yeah, agreed. So our final practical tip for trade business owners wanting to engage Gen Z, they won’t tolerate a toxic work culture and misalignment between what you are saying and what you are doing. You’ve actually gotta walk the talk. This is a generation driven by purpose, and they wanna work somewhere that has a broader mission.
It really comes down to being clear and what your business stands for. You know, Gen Z is looking for a sense of ownership on a slight tangent. There’s also things like what kind of gifts to give your team these days. You know, once upon a time it was a no-brainer to say thanks to your team with a nice slab of VB or twos on a Friday afternoon or head down to the pub and knocked down a few pints, but it’s not done as much anymore, which is probably a welcome change, to be honest.
Instead, you might wanna give them a massage voucher or a movie voucher, something they can enjoy in their free time. Oh my God. Haven’t times changed.
Yeah, totally. But you know what, I actually do love it. It’s definitely a good move. So there you have it. Are you guys ready to lead Gen Z? Let me recap what we talked about. One, how are you supporting your team’s mental health? Two, is a four day work week, something that’s worth considering? Three is your work culture set up for this purpose driven generation?
Whether we like it or not, we’ll be managing more and more Gen Z in the years to come. And before you know it, they’ll be starting their own trade business.
Yeah, that’s right. And what about the Gen Z slang? Hey, are you up with it, Andy?
Yeah, I’m hearing a bit of it through the kids. Some of the words I’m still struggling with is, when you ask the kids a question and like, go banging or bangers, like what the hell does that mean?
They say stuff like, that meal was banging, or that concert was bangers. I actually like YOLO-ing, You Only Live Once. Gen Z’s actually also big on vibes.
Now let’s look at my kids these days and shake my heads and go, what the **** are you talking about?
No, we don’t understand their lingo, do we?
Then you got vibing. That’s one I hear a lot from my kids, and the other one they do is valid. You know that is, that is understandable. I mean, I could go on, but there’s so much Gen Z slang for you, so make sure you get out there and get with the program.
Or just go ask your kids. Right? All right. We’ve covered heaps today.
The key message is, Starting any sentence with back in my day is a cop out and my kids just start rolling their eyes and they switch off by the time I even say the next sentence. So make sure you have an open mind and be willing to make some changes to your leadership style, if you wanna motivate the Gen Z and keep them long-term.
Yes. We’d love to find out more about how you have been adapting to Gen Z. So, How about you tell us more about what you are doing in our podcast Facebook group called The Tradie Show Discussion Group. I’ll put some details in the show notes, but it’s just as easy to search for The Tradie Show on Facebook. Join up and we look forward to chatting with you there.
Catch you later.
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