Do you want to gain more leads and retain more customers in your trade business? Of course you do! So where do you start?
Whether you are marketing in the shiny space of digital marketing, or opting for the more ‘old-school’ offline marketing tactics, following a formula is key.
In this resource, we walk you through ‘THE A.C.D.R FORMULA™’, which needs to include BOTH on and off-line strategies. Plus, we share over 120 marketing ideas you can use in your business!
In this ‘Tactical Marketing for Tradies’ training we will share:
‘The A.C.D.R Formula’TM and how this affects marketing in your trade business if you don’t consider all stages.
120 different marketing ideas that fall within this formula.
A review of your marketing activities you are doing now and how to improve your efforts ASAP.
We’re Andy and Angela Smith, co-founders of Lifestyle Tradie, the hosts of ‘The Tradie Show’ podcast and founders of Dr. DRiP Plumbing, which we owned and operated for over 20 years. Since 2009, we’ve been teaching tradies in business how to start up, scale up and sell up using a proven step-by-step formula we created after hitting rock bottom in business ourselves. We climbed out the hard way, learning our biggest lessons through expensive trial and error.
Think back to why you became a trade business owner in the first place. Is it working out the way you thought it would? Most tradies have aspirations to be their own boss one day. Here’s the thing: TAFE only taught you the rules and regulations. Your first boss only taught you how to swing a hammer. You’ve never been taught how to become a business owner, have you? That’s where our online training can help.
Our lives were in complete chaos. Now, Andy is completely off the tools. Want to get your life back, too? Fast forward your journey and get on a call with us now.