Are you a tradie wife? – Part 1

Are you a tradie wife? If you’ve previously come from a different role and are now working in ‘your husband’s business’, then you will relate to this!

Earn more, get paid faster with the right tech

This episode on the Tradie Show, Andy and Ange go SERIOUSLY BACK TO BASICS! You’ll hear about the technology you should be using in the day-to-day operations of your trade business, specifically your team on the road or in the field.

Tax time tips for trade (without the boring bits)

This week on The Tradie Show, we’re talking TAX. Andy and Angela speak with Magdaleen Kelly, who is a BAS agent and Xero consultant from Aqua Vantage, to take the panic out of this important time for trade business owners.

Are you ready to lead Gen Z?

The purpose of today’s episode of The Tradie Show is to PREPARE you to lead this curious demographic cohort, who are born between 1997 and 2012. In this conversation, Andy and Angela talk about what leaders need to know about the Gen Z mindset, along with practical ways you can connect with your Gen Z team members.