Uh oh! You’ve started the day off on the wrong foot and now you’re in a bad mood. Perhaps there were some events that occurred which triggered your mood or maybe you’re simply just having a down day for no real reason (you are only human of course).
One thing is for sure though, at this point, putting on a positive front in the presence of employees (not to mention customers) is the last thing you feel like doing. But, it is exactly what you have to do if you want your business to be successful.
“20-30% of business performance is determined by the mood of your employees. The number one predictor of their mood is their leader. ” – Daniel Goleman
Moods are contagious. And if you didn’t quite get the point, YOU as the business owner is the number one reason for the mood of your entire team. A bad mood will spread through your team like a plague.
Business leaders need to foster a positive team environment. If a business leader is always unmotivated or communicates in an aggressive or negative manner towards their employees then they are encouraging the growth of these characteristics in their team.
Employees working in such environments will be less motivated and increasingly disengaged. Therefore, productivity levels will decrease.
The repercussions of mood can go as far as to dictate the quality of service that your company provides. Unhappy employees will care less about how their actions affect the business. They may finish jobs to a less than ideal standard and their mood can also rub off on customers.
Many employees will leave an unhealthy work environment because they’re becoming mentally burnt out. Ironically the employees that notice that this work environment is unhealthy and actually take the initiative to leave are probably the type of employees you want to keep around!
Your mood is connected your feelings, which connects to your words and actions. An employee who leaves a workplace in a happy mindset will look forward to coming to work the next day. They will think good thoughts about their workplace and be more goal orientated towards achieving both their personal goals and the goals of the business. They will also have a greater level of loyalty to the business, which means they will say positive things that lead to a good reputation for the business.
With the perks comes obligation…
Yes, I know, it seems like a bit of a big call saying you have to be positive and happy 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Things happen in business and home life that just doesn’t allow for this.
However, when you take on the responsibility of owning a business you take on ALL the responsibility. This includes your leadership responsibilities! So it is your duty as a leader to try to do this.
When you are faced with obstacles, sure you don’t have to pretend that everything is okay. But, you have to exude optimism. You have to paint a picture that there is a way forward beyond the obstacle. This will help pad the negativity that employees might experience from such obstacles.
So, how do I monitor my mood…?
1) Employees need the security of knowing what to expect from you. They need consistency. If you are consistent they will develop trust in you over time. Trust will allow for open communication with you, and increased respect for you and the business. These factors will contribute to the success of your business.
2) Give promising employees the freedom to grow. You hired them because you obviously thought they had the right skills. If employees can sense that you are micromanaging them or that you don’t believe in them they will lose confidence in themselves. Encourage them to take initiative and they will continue to grow. This growth will help lift your business.
3) Don’t act in the moment! If something happens that aggravates you it’s best not to react straight away. Remove yourself from the situation, simmer down and consider not only your perspective on the situation but the other persons/peoples perspective as well. Once you have done this, decide how you will constructively approach the situation.
4) As we have previously mentioned, it’s important to have hope when the chips are down. Not only this, but when the business or individual employees have successes you must celebrate them.
5) Learn how to read the mood of your employees. If they are feeling down it probably won’t lift their mood by being upbeat around them. Instead, have compassion and speak positively but gently. Monitor yourself to mirror them.
6) Always look for the good in people. If you look for the good in people you will be much happier because there will be less that annoys you about them. If you show appreciation for particular traits it will also encourage employees to express more of these traits.
7) Keep your lifestyle in check. Eat healthy foods, get a proper nights sleep, exercise and smile often. These are simple activities that go a long way to boosting your mood.
8) Keep your mind focused on the task you are doing at that specific time. If your mind wanders try and refocus it back to what you are actually doing at that time. By doing this, your stresses won’t spill over into aspects of your day that are unrelated to them.
9) When you walk through the office door or walk onto a job site decide to leave all negative emotions behind you. Go into leadership mode; be happy, upbeat and SMILE!
It’s hard to believe that something as simple as a bad mood can have such a huge impact on a trade business. Your mood is so easy to fix. Taking the initiative to improve your leadership skills by monitoring your mood will enable your trade business to reach new levels of success. Not only this but on a personal level you will overall be a much happier person.
I challenge you to be actively conscious of applying all 9 of these tips and watch the difference in your team and the difference in the way you feel. I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised with the results!
What’s next?
- Join our Kick-Ass Tradies Facebook Group, for access to trade business specific conversations, tips and resources, plus a like-minded community of tradies.
- Book a 15-minute Game Plan Call with Andy, owner of Dr. DRiP plumbing and co-founder of Lifestyle Tradie, to clarify your priorities and get clear action steps.
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