Taming the Email Beast
Start with that bloated inbox. We typically spend more than a quarter of our day reading and responding to email*. Here are some tools that can make your inbox manageable.
Boomerang for Gmail lets you program messages to pop up again within a specified time frame — for example, if you email a potential new client and want a reminder to follow-up in a week. You can also schedule emails to send later, and set reminders for emails you’d like to deal with later.
Sanebox analyzes the importance of each message based on your past interaction with your inbox. It saves and summarizes low-priority messages in a separate folder. The program works with any email provider or device, it also scans attachments and moves them into the cloud — like DropBox — for easy access later.
Pocket converts online files to offline versions and saves them so they’re accessible from any device — without ads. Perfect for the inbox that’s inundated with articles and videos from colleagues and friends.
To-Do List
Once the inbox is cleaned up, you can make to-do lists less scary, or even fun.
Carrot for iPhone is a slightly sadistic taskmaster. “She” rewards you with things like compliments, stories, and program upgrades when you check things off your list, and “Hulks out” iPhone-style when you don’t. (“You do not want to make me upset,” is a common refrain.)
Evernote is a catchall program to help you manage your work schedule. Use it to collect ideas, inspiration and data in any format, and organize projects with digital file cabinets — on any device from anywhere. It’s tough to top.
If This Then That for iPhone lets you connect different online services and apps that normally don’t go together, so you can create “recipes” that make sense for you. For example: “If I get an email via Gmail, send me a text message.”
What’s next?
- Join our Kick-Ass Tradies Facebook Group, for access to trade business specific conversations, tips and resources, plus a like-minded community of tradies.
- Book a 15-minute Game Plan Call with Andy, owner of Dr. DRiP plumbing and co-founder of Lifestyle Tradie, to clarify your priorities and get clear action steps.