Technology can be both a blessing and a curse.
We’ve all fallen victim to the overwhelm of online platforms, the bombardment of electronic communications and the general mess that IT can cause. However as the old adage states, with the bad comes the good – with the difficulties that technology may cause comes even more benefits. You just have to go about using it correctly. Here are 6 technology productivity tips.
#1 Set & forget
Marketing is important, especially inexpensive platforms such as social media and email.
That said, whether you’re on the tools or in the office, you probably don’t have the time and patience to be fluffing around posting on social media and sending out marketing emails everyday.
We have a rule in our office and it’s simple – if something can be automated, it is!
Curate three months worth of social media and email marketing content, and schedule it to post throughout the coming weeks. There is beauty in only having to think about this once a quarter!
#2 Your password is incorrect…!?
We’ve all been there before. You know your username but can’t for the life of you remember which of your 20 different password variations is linked to that particular account.
If tracking your passwords on a locked spread sheet doesn’t cut it, there are plenty of electronic password management tool available, such as Lastpass, that do this for you.
#3 When the clutter transfers from your desk onto your desktop
If you’re working in the office or are at the computer regularly you’ll understand this irony.
Using technology reduces paperwork and desk mess. But what about when working on your computer results in a desktop that is covered in files, and an internet browser that has more tabs open than you can count.
To avoid this, clean up your computer weekly or daily depending on how often you work in the office (the same goes for your office staff!).
Finalise tasks then and there so you can close internet tabs and documents.
Use folders to tacitly store files that you need to keep. If anything is unnecessary, delete it straight away.
These tips may seem obvious, but without having this as part of your routine, it’s easy for the mess to get out of hand and mess = stress!
#4 Email overload
As a trade business owner, your emails can get out of control. If you aren’t careful with how you monitor them, you will seriously end up sitting there replying to people and trashing spam all day.
Turn your email notifications off and only check your emails at allocate times throughout the day. If you’re checking your emails as they hit your inbox, you’re interrupting the flow of what you’re doing and replying to things that can honestly wait until later. If you let your emails accumulate for a few hours you’ll be able to determine what really needs attention straight away.
Always remember that if something is important enough, a person will probably call.
#5 To alert or not to alert
Being a smartphone owner means push notifications from apps 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Sure, it’s great to know when someone commented on your latest holiday photos. But, it can probably wait until after you’ve finished that job you’ve been slaving over all day.
Go into your application settings and turn off any push notifications from apps that don’t need your attention straight away.
If you’re like us and use an electronic communication tools in your business, such as a voice messaging tool to talk to your staff, then you’d obviously keep your push notifications switched on for that particular app.
#6 The BIGGEST tip of all… Disconnect
Sometimes technology can get in the way of your productivity so much that you just need to disconnect.
If you’re doing an admin task that doesn’t require technology or the internet then turn it off and close your internet browser, ignore your emails and solely focus on the job at hand.
The technology available to trade business owners can do wonders on their productivity. At ‘The Future Tradie’ live events we discuss the technology must haves for all trade businesses.
However, it’s the basic technology, such as that discussed in this article that can really be a hindrance on productivity if you let it take control. Take these tips on-board today, they might be simple but they’re extremely effective!
What’s next?
- Join our Kick-Ass Tradies Facebook Group, for access to trade business specific conversations, tips and resources, plus a like-minded community of tradies.
- Book a 15-minute Game Plan Call with Andy, owner of Dr. DRiP plumbing and co-founder of Lifestyle Tradie, to clarify your priorities and get clear action steps.