What lessons can tradies learn from Netflix? This media services provider has absolutely mastered the use of social media to gain attention for its shows and …
Having a loyalty program is not something just reserved for your local café. Let’s remember something important: When it comes to selling, it’s a lot …
Technology is giving the customer power! The power to share their opinions with the wider public and discourage potential customers from using your services. It …
Even though direct mail is considered outdated by many marketers, it actually boasts a strong response rate. In a highly digital age, it’s surprising, but true. …
Collecting business testimonials is important. Once you’ve collected the them, what do you do then? It’s not enough to receive customer testimonials. Knowing how to use …
Customer testimonials catch your prospect’s attention and build a relationship of credibility and trust. Let’s face it, today’s consumers are skeptical. Can you blame them? When other …
Amazing customer service can make your customer feel like a priority. Exceeding customer expectations will secure a loyal customer and also their recommendation. Word-of-mouth can be …