In this episode, Andy and Angela explain what the heck an Onboarding process is, and why it’s often the one thing trade business owners get WRONG when setting up new team members. They share their tried and tested Onboarding plan, so your team can thrive from the get-go!
Hey there! Tradies and Partners. Can I just say before we start, I am stoked that this is a podcast and not a live TV show.
Why’s that?
Well, I was listening to a reporter the other day trying to say anomaly, Anomaly? Is that an anomaly? I think it was something like, it was something like an anomaly, right? Oh my God, it was so funny. It just goes to show, I’m not the only one out there that stuffs my words up.
Yeah. I suppose you listeners are super lucky. We actually cut out all the word stuff up Andy makes cause they’re a little endless. Yeah. I reckon at the end of the season we actually need to release an episode just dedicated to all the words that you can’t say.
Yeah. Yeah. So freaking funny you guys. But just yesterday I was trying to say the word specifically. Specifically. Did I say that right? I think I said that right.
You actually got that wrong.
Okay, I’ll have one more go. Specifically.
And it felt like it took me an hour to say, see, I did that in about a minute.
I know. I’m impressed. You didn’t actually pay attention to English class, hey Andy.
No. English is boring. I didn’t, you know, but I didn’t go to any fancy, fancy private schools like you either. I was a Narrabeen boy, year 10 dropout.
And proud of it. .
Yeah, I am very proud.
So, well, one word you can say is onboarding, which is our tradie toolbox topic for today. Can you say that Andy? Onboarding.
Screw you. Okay, I’m done with this. Let’s get stuck in.
Okay. I was only teasing. So for those of you who aren’t familiar with what onboarding is, it’s basically a process that we follow with a new employee from the second they say yes to becoming a part of your team.
Today we’re gonna break down for you why it’s important to have an onboarding process and give you a guide so you can smash it every time.
Isn’t it nice when somebody’s done all the hard work for you?
Yeah, you are welcome.
So listeners, can I suggest you download our employee onboarding guide? It’s available in the show notes, or just head to
I’m keen to get stuck into this topic because I’d say across the board, no matter what trade you’re in, finding the right staff and then keeping them long term is one of the things that most business owners struggle with.
I believe it’s because they’re trying to organize so much and keep so many plates spinning that often things just fall through the cracks.
That’s true. But we wait way too long and instead of forward planning and giving ourselves sufficient time to find the perfect tradespeople. We are normally under the pump and we end up hiring the very first person that applies.
Or worse, just some guy you met at the pub who’s looking for a job.
Guilty . Sometimes it’s not our fault because sometimes people just quit on the spot and you need to find an immediate replacement. Either way, once you’ve ticked that hiring box, we tend to forget about the onboarding process.
Yes. So together, let’s lock down your onboarding process so that it becomes second nature. I think that most trade business owners would say that the most important day to put your best foot forward is the very first day that that new hire starts with you. , but that’s not true, is it, Andy?
Nope. It definitely isn’t. If you have offered them a job and they say yes, it starts right now.
So it starts from the moment they agree to work with you, not from their first day.
So if you think about the experience through the eyes of your new recruit, they’ve made the decision to come to work for you, and you need to make them feel confident that they’ve made the right choice.
It may sound boring, like we’re all so soft these days and we need to throw a new tradie, a big massive welcome parade. But with so many trade businesses out there competing for the rock stars, if you’ve managed to land a top-notch employee, you better make them feel important from the moment they said yes to working for you.
Exactly. The one thing we hear all the time is how hard it is to find good tradies. We’ve even done an entire podcast episode about it in season one. You wanna ensure they stick around for the long term and feel like they’ve made the right decision to join your business.
So you need to ensure you stay in contact and they are super excited about joining your business. And that they turn up on day one and stick around for the long term. Let me share an example with you. I want you all to close your eyes.
Uh, our listeners are probably driving, so maybe not If you’re driving.
Yeah, maybe not if you’re driving, keep your eyes open. Take it back. I take it back. But I just want you to imagine you’ve had Jack from your current employer and you decided you wanted to go out and find a new job. You go to an interview and the owner not only paints this incredible vision, but he seems super switched on about how he’s going to develop your skills and he’s willing to pay you the big bucks as well.
Sounds like the dream job, right?
Let’s just say they offered you the job, you said yes, and then there is radio silence right up until your first day. Which could be a few days or even a few weeks.
So basically, you haven’t heard a word from them since you said yes. So you’ve seen no contract, you’ve had no email confirming the job in writing, and you aren’t feeling too confident about what’s gonna unfold.
And now you’ve turned up for your first day to meet the boss and his team. How are you feeling to make matters worse on day one, the boss totally forgot you were even coming and he literally threw you a shirt, shoved you in a truck with some guy, you’ve barely even said hello to. No uniform, no paperwork. Let’s just get started.
Right and the experience of your first day just leaves a bad taste in your mouth, disorganized, chaotic, and your left wondering, have I made the right decision?
It’s pretty shit, right? It’s day one and it’s supposed to be the most exciting day, and instead you are already starting to regret your decision.
This is why tradies leave after just a few months of working with you. They weren’t happy from the moment they said yes because you, the business owner, didn’t make them feel valued or wanted or even appreciated.
Honestly, this mentality of just grab and go was probably okay 20 years ago, but it’s definitely not today. I know times have changed and it feels like we’re all just going that bit soft, but it’s just the way it is now.
Yeah, exactly. There’s so many trade businesses and these tradespeople can be way more selective about who they decide to work with.
That’s right. You know what, I’ll put up my hand in the hustle and bustle of busy lives. I think we’ve all forgotten about a new starter. They rock up and when you just chuck them a uniform, push them into a truck with another tradie, slam the door and off they go. But it’s not a good way to run a business, and honestly, onboarding is just such a simple system to put in place.
Yep. If you guys are listening, are saying to yourself, but I sent them a text the night before with a big rundown of what happens. They know what’s going on. Well, I’m sorry to say this is a big fail in our books.
There are actually 27 steps to this process. Yes, I know you’re saying it, 27 steps, but they are super easy to follow. You just need to know what to do and in what order.
Like I mentioned before, download the employee onboarding guide and follow it, and if you implement this as a standard system within your business, I guarantee that you and your team will thank you for it.
What I love about this timeline is it’s just like a board game. It’s super simple to follow. You can cross off each step as you go.
Yeah, it’s so super simple. Even our kids understand it.
Now, listen up, I’m gonna read out all 27 steps in order. So get your pens out and take notes, because I’m only gonna say this once.
Um, let’s not, how about, let’s just chat about the three key sections you need to complete.
Sounds good to me.
Number one, follow up communication. So you’ve moved heaven and Earth to have an interview with this guy. You have to remember when he’s ready to jump ship from his current employer. He’s not only meeting you, but he may even be meeting another three or so other potential employers. Once you’ve offered them the job and they’ve said yes, don’t let that be the last time you speak. I always start with a voice message that welcomes them to the team and congratulates them on a new role. I make sure I send it on the same day they said yes to say again, I am super excited to have you start with us and make them feel like they’re already a part of the team.
Makes them feel really important. On top of that, the office then follows up with them twice. Firstly, to share paperwork, like that letter of offer, and then secondly, details about where exactly to go on the first day.
Yes, it’s stupidly basic, right? But as these little things where business owners fail to make their new recruit feel comfortable, that gets them unstuck.
You don’t want to sound desperate and call them twice a day every day. But the touchpoints are super important to stay in contact.
That’s so right, and it’s all about showing them that you are working behind the scenes to get things ready, and you are super, super excited. And it also demonstrates that you’re a world organized business.
Number two, prepare for them. Before they start, make sure you’ve prepped for them everything from their uniform, even down to finding out their size, their vehicle, setting them up on your job management system, emails, payroll plus the phone. This means you’re not flustered on their first day and you show how much of a well-oiled machine you are, which makes them feel good about choosing you.
And three, the first day experience. When they walk through those doors for the very first time, make sure everyone knows their names, and each team member introduces themselves and welcomes them to the team. If you can land their start day, say like a toolbox meeting morning, that is absolutely perfect because they get a chance to meet everyone in one go.
Yeah, and get a free bacon and egg roll .
Everyone loves a bacon and egg roll in the morning. . I always have to sit down with them one-on-one, as well. Just to confirm how excited we are that they’re starting with our team.
It means they don’t feel like they’ve been thrown in the deep end and that they get a chance to meet everyone in a really relaxed environment.
Honestly, this stuff isn’t rocket science. I’m not gonna keep banging on about it, but to have an awesome trade business, you need to hire a rockstar team. And once you’ve hired the right guy, the job definitely isn’t over.
No, you need to keep working at it. Keep building your relationship with your team, and you need to make sure they’re still happy and comfortable within your business.
Onboarding is just the start of how you can keep them long term.
So once you’ve brought the new person into the business, you’ve rolled out that welcome mat and they’re starting to find their groove, have a few check-ins, one-on-one with them to see how they’re going, what they’re loving and what they’re not.
Back in my day, we were treated alike. We were just lucky to have a job.
Yeah. But these days it’s totally the opposite. It’s like the tradies are saying, you are so lucky to have me, but you don’t know what you don’t know. And getting your 27 step onboarding process set up in your business is going to do wonders.
Setting up your team for success within your business starts with onboarding, and it continues with putting in the effort to keep them happy.
With so many trade businesses out there, all promising tradespeople, the world, you need to keep your finger on the pulse and set them up for success from the minute they say yes.
Sometimes all it takes is for them to just feel heard and appreciated, and that costs you absolutely nothing. So why do so many of us fail so badly at this? Well, hopefully after this episode you’ll understand why onboarding is vital to running a great trade business.
Yes. Well, that’s it from us today.
Catch you next time.
Do your new hires get thrown in the deep end? Get our flowchart and provide a seamless onboarding process.
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